"I was once willing to give my life for what this country stood for; now I’d give my life to protect my family from what this country has become.”

I guess they really didn't understand what the country stands for. They wanted something else. So the answer is insurrection and (un)civil war.

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Maybe Republicans like that button enough to buy one and wear it now, but if Trump wins, it’s going to be a REALLY BIG seller to distraught Democrats.

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Seth, you need to foot note your take on the deportation to explain that the President is only going to deport the millions of illegal aliens that the Biden Administration has allowed to flood into our country over the last three plus years. The policy is not intended to deport immigrants that followed the proper procedure for legal immigration. You are painting this with to broad a brush. There is no intention of deporting vlegel immigrants from North Europe and our allies in the Pacific.

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Lynn, you are mistaken. There were about 11 million undocumented immigrants in the US in 2015. During COVID, it dropped by about 1 mil. Under Biden, it’s up to about 12.5 mil. Trump wants to deport all of them, even those who have been living here for decades, not just the 20% who arrived under Biden. He also wants to restrict legal immigration, especially from non-European countries. Our country has a need for hard-working immigrants to make our economy run. Mass deportation would be devastating to the economy. Crops would not be harvested; construction would slow down; the tech industry would be short tens of thousands of software engineers.

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Immigrants who became citizens 20+ years ago, recently told me that they live in fear in this policy is enacted. In many places in this country distinguishing between "legal" and other immigrants of the last 4 years, will end up violating the rights of many citizens, terrorizing many children. For people with low opinions of govt efficiency, it is shocking Republicans have high expectations for the care with which the implementation of mass deportation will be carried out.

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No, he's going after every one of them to begin with.

Then, after the concentration camps are up and running, he'll go after the "politicals".

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Trump is openly planning to deport a larger number of illegal immigrants than even right-wing immigration experts think exists. To actually do what he is talking about would require almost a trillion dollars, and creating a deportation force larger than any one branch of the military. The person who was his advisor on immigration before, and likely would be again (Steven Miller), see the Eisenhower Administration "Operation Wetback" as a smaller version of what they want to do (and Operation Wetback deported thousands of people who were here legally). Trump and Miller have also both spoken out about removing birthright citizenship, which would mean deporting people who are here legally. Economists estimate that if he actually succeeded at this plan, the US economy would lose trillions of dollars over the next 10 years. Radley Balko has a good write up of the problems here: https://radleybalko.substack.com/p/trumps-deportation-army

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