Your blog from yesterday is one of the scariest pieces I have read since the start of this administration. The fact that Musk's group could push for access to sensitive areas of the government that should require unique clearance for bona fide employees, resulting in the resignation/retirement of the director of that area who has been there for years in his position, is simply terrifying. As I watch all this happening, I wonder if other countries are watching what is happening here just like the USA watched Germany fall under Hitler's spell so many decades ago. So very troubling.

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We are watching as the USA becomes a failing democracy.

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Democrats should copy the parliamentary democracy system.

Appoint a Leader of the Opposition to - you know - actually lead the opposition. Pick a real hot firebrand like AOC, not some geriatric.

Appoint Shadow Ministers to investigate various aspects of the behaviour of the government, criticise problems recommend changes.

This would free Dems from having to be experts on everything and encourage specialisation and deep dives.

Use parliamentary rules to frustrate the government as much as possible.

Actually, you know, OPPOSE!

It works in parliamentary democracies.

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Bravo! Where on earth are these guys???

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Feels like I'm on crazy pills watching from Canada. There's no opposition to any of this madness. All over the world, opposition parties fight. In America, they wait for their turn in power, because power must always stay unquestioned.

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Scores of immigrant rights activists in LA yesterday completely blocked off traffic on the 101- California’s busiest North-South Corridor.

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Yes, we are in a situation where there is not a moment to lose. Trump is so outrageous that Dems do not have to worry about overstepping some invisible line. The point is not obstruction to using every means possible to get their message across. So they first need a strong, punchy, bumper-sticker-long message, probably issue by issue, but "rights" might provide the messaging unity.

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“So holds get their power when they force the majority to hold two votes (cloture, approval) on a nomination that is not worth the Senate’s time… that is, the opportunity cost of floor time to the majority party.”

Yeah … when we get to that point this is good advice. But Cabinet appointments, the actual thing going on, is definitely “worth the Senate’s time.”

And that’s the problem with all these types of DEMS DO SOMETHING taeks - a bunch of vague “do a stunt that will actually get coverage by our increasingly compromised media” and a few actual specific suggestions that, turns out, don’t apply or do much.

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When the Republicans are in the minority, they fight tooth and nail and rule with an iron fist.

When the Democrats are in the minority OR majority, some right-wing Democrat blocks them from doing anything and they completely fail.

This is not an accident. It is exactly what the Democrats are intended to do: lose. They lose elections or legislative battles. They present themselves as "leftists" who never talk about class or do anything for working people. They misrepresent leftism as nothing but identity politics carried out to a ridiculous degree. This is what the oligarchs have tasked them to do: discredit the whole concept of leftism and foreclose any possibility of a leftist populist movement.


Now do you get it?

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Let's stop being scared and start making phone calls to our Reps -it's time for action people- NOT time to sit around wringing our hands.

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This was filed on Friday. But you won’t read about in a US paper. https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.rid.58912/gov.uscourts.rid.58912.50.0_4.pdf

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How about fighting back on behalf of the American people!!!!!

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Even if it won’t pass it’s a valuable start

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For 4+ decades Reaganism has trashed America to benefit only the (already) wealthy.

The Democrat’s Establishment wing has not even TRIED to undo it — they like those lower taxes, too. So they act hapless to seal the deal.

Progressives could hammer home this reality and offer actual legislation that rolls the rates back to when Murica was great (50s & 60s)

This rollback would improve things for the 90% of us that’s been getting screwed all this time.

Voter suppression and a third not bothering to vote BECAUSE THE DEMS PROMISED MORE OF THE SAME did a lot of heavy lifting for Trump & the Republicans.

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Dunno. Wec don't seem to have one.

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Looking more and more like The Democrats have, indeed, sold their soul to the gop 👹 Been a voting Dem since 1972 and have never seen a weaker party. It’s like they’re all singing the Money Money Money song and they want theirs…

Except AOC, the Squad, Chris Murphy and a handful of others. Have we, unknowingly, been electing GOP “candidates” to the House and Senate Dems. A plan I can easily see being masterminded by Adam Schiff whose first loyalty is to AIPAC, an Israeli political terrorist org focused on slaughtering Gazan babies and children. Also who has blocked good Dem Candidates from being elected.

Sounds crazy doesn’t it, it’s the only valid explanation for what’s happened to #TheDemocrats. Almost every member of which are members of AIPAC.

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Looking more a

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