Good post. One quibble: I think the Dems are very aware that their candidates are disadvantaged in the EC (see 2000 and 2016), and that makes them much more risk averse (and that’s a very good thing IMHO). Would like to see you address that as a possibly significant consideration for Dem elites.
Thank you. This is a very good point. I've written about this elsewhere but should have included it here. Although I believe this different in nomination styles extends below the presidential level where the EC does not apply.
Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I haven’t seen your writing on this issue elsewhere, but am pleased to hear that you’re factoring it into your analyses. I’m curious: how do you think Dem risk aversion applies below the presidential level?
Seth, nice analysis from the 30,000 ft level. You make one esculent point in passing. I have yet to read an analysis/investigation of who made the call in 2020 to force out the other candidates. Remember Senile Joe had just been wiped out in New Hampshire and he only won SC because of the Osama connection with the negro vote. He was by far the worse candidate but a hollow shell that the powers behind the curtain could control. The question that has and may never be explored is who was pulling the strings? That is who was the “cigarette smoking man” in the shadows?
Good post. One quibble: I think the Dems are very aware that their candidates are disadvantaged in the EC (see 2000 and 2016), and that makes them much more risk averse (and that’s a very good thing IMHO). Would like to see you address that as a possibly significant consideration for Dem elites.
Thank you. This is a very good point. I've written about this elsewhere but should have included it here. Although I believe this different in nomination styles extends below the presidential level where the EC does not apply.
Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I haven’t seen your writing on this issue elsewhere, but am pleased to hear that you’re factoring it into your analyses. I’m curious: how do you think Dem risk aversion applies below the presidential level?
Seth, nice analysis from the 30,000 ft level. You make one esculent point in passing. I have yet to read an analysis/investigation of who made the call in 2020 to force out the other candidates. Remember Senile Joe had just been wiped out in New Hampshire and he only won SC because of the Osama connection with the negro vote. He was by far the worse candidate but a hollow shell that the powers behind the curtain could control. The question that has and may never be explored is who was pulling the strings? That is who was the “cigarette smoking man” in the shadows?