So DeSantis beats Trump, then what?

Trump endorses him and plays nice at the convention and then campaigns for him?


Beating Trump is only HALF the problem, the other half is HOW do you get the guy not to sabotage your candidacy.

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Good post. One recent invisible primary thing that jumped out at me was how Ross Douthat, a good bellwether of inside-the-beltway professional conservatives seems to have already gone all in on RDS. Don't get me wrong, Ross doesn't matter at all in terms of real politics, but he does strike me as a good measure of where the winds are blowing so far. Like I imagine Paul Ryan reading Ross's recent columns and nodding along vigorously.

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Has anybody actually made a lot of money yet? It's a little early yet, but that's how somebody beat Trump. At least that's what I think.

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