that is a fair and grim summation.

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I am someone who definitely has leaned conservative. I appreciated numerous accomplishments of Trump in his first term, although his style and rhetoric only fueled more division In our country. Admittedly, I have not been a fan of Biden and or his policies. He is our president and I always seek to hold a level of respect for the person in office. I have watched the last four years of Biden’s tenure and definitely felt like there was cognitive decline. Obviously, that has become a bit of a point of contention for many Democrats, and especially those surrounding Biden. As I state the following, I am not stating it as someone from a political party standpoint who thinks their party is the only thing that matters. No, like many Americans, there has been the fear and concern that our current president may not be fully fit for office, and has Exhibited troubling signs of vast cognitive decline. The word jumbles and incoherence just seem to keep multiplying.

Please hear me, I do not necessarily want that to be true, even as someone who is not a hard-core Democrat. This is our president, and even if we have political disagreement as an American, I want someone who can represent us well on the world stage. so honestly, yes, last night confirmed all of the concerns that many people have had. It felt like the writing was on the wall, and yet there has been so much denial in an effort to prop up Biden and make it seem like anyone who questioned his health wish absolutely mean, spirited, and politically motivated. As you indicated in your article, yes, last night only reinforced all of these concerns, but with an absolute magnifying glass. In all sincerity, can you not fully understand the reasoning? Yes I know there’s a lot of political vitriol. But I’m not questioning from that line of thinking. I’m just writing as a human and an American feeling like last night was sad. We have a great country, and yet the world sees these two men in the spotlight to represent us. Politics has always been a little dirty, but I sure wish we could rewind a little bit in time to when it was easier to cross the partisan aisle for conversation, collaboration, and compromise. Now we are just left to trash the opponent. And that’s on all of us.

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I don't remember if anyone suggested Obama drop out after his first disastrous debate with Romney. But of course, there's a difference between a good debater having a bad night and a bad debater having a bad night, and confirming the worst fears about him. There's also a difference between a debate between two people who take it seriously, and a debate where one person lies nonstop with no regard for what he's saying and the other person tries to keep up.

I think it's safe to say that no candidate ever "debated" the way Trump did. It's like you showed up at the NBA finals and instead of the Mavericks, the Harlem Globetrotters took the court. And for some reason, the refs let the Globetrotters do their thing - no fouls, no traveling calls, no penalty for putting a ladder underneath the goal or having extra players on the court. "The Celtics had no answer for the Globetrotters' unorthodox style of play. They seemed lost and never really got in the game."

In hindsight, it appears that instead of projecting vigor and passion, or trying to, Biden should have been the wise elder statesman, calmly rebutting as many of Trump's lies as possible, while shoehorning in some accomplishments.

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They didn't ask Obama to drop out after his debate because he's not 81 years old and was making lots of other public appearances where he was an energetic and vigorous speaker, so it was completely plausible that he had just had a bad night but otherwise remained a solid candidate. Meanwhile vast swaths already had serious doubts about Biden and Biden did more to confirm them last night than a billion dollars in GOP advertisements ever could

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Yes. That's what I meant by the difference between a good debater having a bad night, and a bad debater having a bad night and confirming the worst fears about him.

At this stage, I'm not ready to say Biden should drop out, but it's definitely on the table.

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The man's not up to it

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Is it feasible to introduce a new candidate at this time?

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I'd say no.

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