For your listening pleasure, here’s a recent conversation I had with Jonah Goldberg for his podcast The Remnant.
We covered a lot of ground in this chat, but the conversation largely centered on the question of salesmanship versus product in politics. My impression from the past and a pretty substantial body of political science research is that product is more important. For example, the fact that the economy is humming along healthily this year with decent growth and low unemployment and inflation is more important to the 2024 presidential vote than what people think the economy is doing. Incumbent presidents presiding over growth almost invariably win reelection.
But this impression is getting challenged with each new poll showing Biden in substantial trouble with no obvious way to change people’s minds. I’ve written before about the parallels between this election and that of 1992, in which another competent and accomplished administration was failing to convince people that the economy was (truthfully!) recovering. That was a year in which beliefs outranked empirics, and we might be in the middle of another such cycle.
I hope to have more to say on this in the near future. But meanwhile I hope you’ll enjoy the discussion.
(And welcome visitors from The Remnant! Please consider supporting this newsletter. Hot Convention Summer doesn’t come cheap.)
This is not accurate. Polling was quite good for 2022. It was traditional forecast models that fell short, but polls overall showed the GOP with a very slight advantage, which corresponds with the vote.
Recent Biden/Trump polling involves many different polling organizations coming at it from many different approaches and all of them showing roughly the same thing -- a roughly even race with Trump in a possible slight lead. It may well be that the vote is ultimately different from this, but I am confident your skills as a mathematician do not offer any particular insight on this issue.
One more thing:
Can you all explain what happened in November 2022 when virtually every poll was predicting a “red wave” that never happened?
Can you all explain why “Zombie Birdbrain” Nikki Haley keeps grabbing 20 percent of the vote in closed GOP primaries?
I’m a mathematician and I can tell you with complete authority that these Biden / Trump polls are wrong.
How good are y’all at math?
Can you describe the simple pendulum nonlinear differential equation
y’’ = -k sin y?
Bet you can’t.
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