Why my daughter told me she thinks God and country are one in the same to this group of Christians, it made sense to me. The way they have highjacked what it means to be a patriot or what our flag represents is especially sad for me as a veteran.

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I said hijacked too. Our words, the flag, the Bible, Jesus, Moses. Moses is God but Jesus was a homeless Palestinian. They’re zionists not Christians

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I think most Evangelicals are not the religious kind. Sure they go to church but the purpose is rile each other up and complain about the sinners. They also spend time talking about dinosaurs dining with early man and how bad evolution is. Then the pastor starts giving his sales pitch making everyone feel so guilty they sign over their unemployment check.

There’s also a short break where there’s some faith healing and just the right amount of fainting.

The guest speaker from another mega church whips people into a frenzy and they pass the collection plate so that poor guy can get himself a brand new car.

The congregation quiets down as people are invited to come up and be saved.. A few zombies come forth and everyone claps and there is a lot of sobbing.

It’s all promotional stunts and almost no mention of Jesus or his lessons from he New Testament. I don’t think Gd would count this church and the people inside Christians.

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And after Evangelicals all slander Jesus’s alcohol usage by saying they'll never drink, they all run outside to smoke a cigarette 🚬

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The white nationalist evangelicals are NOT true Christians.

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I was raised evangelical; graduated from a conservative evangelical college and thus spent my first 22 years with them. Then I left. That was 40+ years ago. But lemme tell you: white evangelical Christianity has ALWAYS been about white supremacy and patriarchy, dressed up in talk about Jesus. In America, especially in the south, white evangelical Christianity was how Protestantism adapted to the institution of slavery/Jim Crow--by making Christianity all about personal piety, the after-life and high-control. Under Trump, they simply got more openly white supremacist and sexist. But they were like this the whole time.

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I doubt if DimBulb ever thinks about Jesus but if he did he would definitely think that’s what he looked like.

Goyische Jesus.

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Bizarre; a cult with weak ties to Jesus and strong ties to arrogance, 13-15th century attitudes, and authori-tarianism.

Wish there was an island we could ship them all off to, but there’s too many of them.

So so long as I can have good internet, Amazon and grocery delivery even by drones, and Uber /Lyft and don’t have Nazi, terrorist, Christian Nationalist, and anti-semitic neighbors, I think I could mentally disassociate myself with the US.

I lived in France 60 years ago and as charming as it was, I could not wait to get back to the US. Now I no longer have the wish to be associated with millions upon millions of “fellow Americans” whom I loathe & fear. To me, a remarkable attitude change.

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So damn funny! If you look at Jesus face……..he kinda looks like Hunter Biden.

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But the prosperity gospel hijacked Christians too. The White Christian Straight American Patriot. Join in the military. Police. Teachers. Guns. Anti government militias. Whoa!?

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There is no such thing as “conservative populism”, there’s just right wingers pretending to bash the same elites to whom they are eternally devoted to granting tax cuts and regulatory rollbacks. The use of such terms just allows pro-corporate billionaires with gold plated toilets to continue to hoodwink the common man and woman into thinking that these shysters really, truly give the tiniest f**k about them.

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Conservative populism and Christian-but-not-really-y'know-theologically-Christian-nationalism are the right arm and the even-further-right arm of a political movement that does not have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in store for the rest of us.

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Do patriarchal/authortarian norms underlying the theology help explain the capitulation?

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Not how I remember the old Moral Majority branding itself. Political Evangelicals who aren’t on all fours with the God the Son doctrine isn’t something I had noticed before. (Is it an accident that the Jesus shown in the illustration has perfect, beautiful Trump-sized hands?j

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