BTW Harris is experienced and ready to prosecute the case against Trump and win. The flawed Hillary beat Trump by 2,868,686 popular votes. Women comprise the largest group of registered voters in this country, and they tend to turn out to vote, 68.4 percent of them did in the 2020 election. Would a woman midwestern governor (i.e. Gretchen Whitmer) match up nicely against Vance as V.P.? Yup. Also, since 1960, 77 women in 59 countries have held the most powerful elected position (President or Prime Minister) in their countries. So, in many ways, America is an outlier. And, frankly, shame on any able-bodied Democratic leaning woman who isn't knocking on doors, etc. this time who wishes their daughters or granddaughters could experience a woman American President.

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Great post. Note that the Dem convention is in August, not April.

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Ack! Thanks for catching that. Fixed.

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Seth, while your reliance on the relative new UCLA theory of parties is interesting, what occurred this weekend was a pure power play. You may not have known or ignored the fact that Nancy Pelosi’s father was the Tony Saprino of his day in Baltimore and therefore Nancy is a grown up Meddow. When Nancy said to Joe, you have three weeks and we can do this the easy way or we can do this hard way, Biden was done for. This is the most concrete example how the Democrat Party (the Uniparty) has ceased to be a political party and is now a national criminal organization. As no one is more important then protecting the power of the family (party). Old Joe was playing by the old rules, nobody threw McGovern, Carter, Mondale, or Kerry under the bus and old Joe thought he was safe. Well this weekend just proved nobody is indispensable to the Uniparty.

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What wasktastic drivel is this? So when party bosses decided who the presidential nominee would be, both the Democratic party and GOP were national criminal organizations by your logic?

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Richard, “wasktastic drivel” can I borrow that expression, as there is so little original thought today. Now I reread my comment and I think is is quite accurate according to the facts and communicated clearly. What you have witnessed is the Uniparty over the last week acting more like an organized criminal enterprise. Knocking off the candidate chosen by their voters (Joe) and installing a puppet (Kamala) that was the choice of the party bosses. Where as the GOP is supporting the candidate chosen by the people. So where am I mistaken? Seth fell free to step in as Richard does not seem to be able to see what is before him.

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Where you are mistaken:

The fact that for it to be a criminal enterprise, laws have to be broken.

If you want criminality, you'd have to look at the GOP candidate.

You seem to not comprehend that a party coalescing on a decision and a party boss using her clout to influence her party is not criminal.

Also, note that the primary voters voted for Kamala too.

BTW, that "puppet" sure seems to excite the party members a ton.

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"In a while" is . . . 4 years ago?

I wasn't that surprised because the Dems coordinated back in 2020. Heck, the establishment Dem leaders cleared the establishment lane for Hillary in 2016.

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Lots more hope today, for sure.

Going to be curious to see what happens with staff and staff leadership. Do they immediately start working for VP Harris? Are some going to go find another effort/campaign? And Harris is the only person who can pay these folks, so maybe it ends up just being about money?

Thanks for your thoughts as always!

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